Friday, 23 March 2012

What I've been up to in 2011

First half of the year was basically spent studying for the intermediates.
Sad but so true.

Did visit a few places/do a few things though:

Went to Cardiff
 Medsoc Halfway There Party - Halfway to being a doctor yo (:
 Bournemouth v2
Brighton when the days were sunny (:

Then I went home for 'electives' for 2 months in Malaysia (basically did nothing but go on more holidays :p).

 Met up with friends
 Kenneth Liew!
 Climbed Broga Hill to watch the sunrise.
First peak only though, wanna get to the third peak next time.
 Played a LOT of Bang!
 Spent loads of time here (:
 Saw many sunsets! :D
 and omg foooood.
 Celebrated my 21st birthday (:

At Zouk, after a few drinks e_e
 Khen and Mel (:
 Kenneth's open house at his beautiful mansion
With everyone from SMDU (:

Okay, off to SGH now, more later.

I'm back.

Came back to UK mid-Sept. Leaving was MUCH harder than the first time. I remember the first time I came here I didn't even cry until 2 weeks after we had settled in.. Weird I know. Hopefully the leaving home thing will get easier as the years pass.

Then, us being the very free 4th years that we are went on a trip to Bath (:

 Me with the famous Bath pig (?)
 Pretty architecture.
 All of us at the Royal Crescent.
 Pretty Rakesh and WeiMing :p


 Catrin's birthday.

 Toga Party.
 Penny and Sachana.
 When Yawshing and Teckie came to Southampton, though ironically I don't have a picture with them.

 1920s Prohibition Ball.

Last of all, Christmas dinner with the juniors.

Yeah, got a bit lazy at the end -__-
So there it is, 2011 in a (very lengthy) nutshell

*tadaaaaaaaaa :D

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